
[스크랩] 지구촌의 여러 풍경들

돌고레 2017. 6. 25. 15:15

Photo and caption by Cezary Filew, 중국

Photo and caption by Ed Schofield-Photography, 모로코

Photo and caption by Lal Nallath, 오만

Photo and caption by Rupert Preißler, 마다가스카르

Photo and caption by Wayne Pope, 호주

Photo and caption by Murat Yılmaz, 터키

Photo and caption by Ben Leshchinsky, 캐나다

Photo and caption by Aaron Feinberg, 하와이

Photo and caption by Sergey Ponomarev, 시리아

Photo and caption by Thomas DORLEANS, 인도

Photo and caption by Takashi Nakagawa, 미국

Photo and caption by Bill Stipp, 인도네시아

Photo and caption by April Badilles, 미얀마

Photograph by Chris Schmid, 브라질-아르헨티나 국경

Photograph by Mark Leong, 몽골

Photo and caption by Christina Kehres, 스와질란드

Photo and caption by Naomi Ordonez, 미국

Photo and caption by Emma Fumoto, 필리핀

Photo and caption by Emmanuelle Andrianjafy, 세네갈

─━☆멋진자료 클릭☆─━
출처 : 아코디언 음악 사랑
글쓴이 : 미지77 원글보기
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